Learn to Sew - Absolute Beginner
Never used a sewing machine before? No problem - this class is for you? We show you the absolute basics of using a sewing machine, help you overcome any fears of sewing you may have, and you will go home having completed your first project!
Tutor: Anna Hamann
Date: Please select
Time: 9.30am - 1pm
Skill level: Beginner, No previous knowledge of sewing required
Price of class includes all materials and use of a classroom sewing machine. If you own a machine and would like to bring it, please do, but please make sure it is in good working order prior to the class.
Terms and Conditions Please read!
- Your place on the course is secured upon full payment of the course fee.
The places on the course are filled on a first come first served basis.
If a course is full, you may be placed on a waiting list, and you will be notified if a space becomes available.
The waiting list refers to the current published course only and does not guarantee you a place on any future course.
The Sewing Store and the tutor reserve the right to cancel or postpone a course due to lack of participants, or any unforeseen circumstance. In this case your course fee will be refunded in full either in cash or as a store voucher, as per your wish.
If you change your mind, or are unable to attend the course:
Up to 2 weeks prior to the start of the course, a store voucher to the full value of the course is refunded
Within 2 weeks prior to the start of the course, there will be no refund unless a replacement is found. In this case, a store voucher to the value of the course is refunded.
No course fee may be carried over to a course not yet scheduled.
You are welcome to borrow a classroom sewing machine or overlocker at no extra charge, please order at the time of registration.
Please ensure your sewing machine or overlocker is in full working order before the class, and that you have your manual, power cord and required accessories.